Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Secret of Life

To stay fit, do these things.

1) Always remind yourself that youre young, even though the arthritis in your left hip is telling you other wise

2) Talk to Boetgetter

3) Meet a giant fish

4) Find that pool of eternal life and stick your bum in it.

5) Drink chocolate milk

6) Don't read the Great Gatsby

7) Train with Matt Dean

8) Buy a G.I joe with a parachute and throw him off a high platform

9) Do it again

10) Do anything you want to if thats what makes you happy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009




a)Without music I would not be me.
b)Hopefully have a full time band.
c)Hung out with the right people who have kept me on track all the way until Sept.
d)My family rules, they have been by my side every step of the way.
e)If I go to school near home, I can still BBQ. If not, I cannot have BBQ. I will be sad.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Big-Mac-Snack-Wrap (Yeah, it's one word.)

On Tuesday, I ate my first Big-Mac-Snack-Wrap.
On Wednesday, drove around and seen Big-Mac-Snack-Wrap signs everywhere
On Thursday, started getting fat from eating Big-Mac-Snack-Wraps and playing Call of Duty: WAW -> double points. Played lazer tag at Lazermania. Krste bought me a Big-Mac-Snack-Wrap for coming 2nd place.
All throughout the week, I drummed using Big-Mac-Snack-Wraps instead of sticks.It got messy.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Encounter

It was the day before yesterday when her double cream single sugared coffee spilled all over my newly baught white lacoste shirt. "Sherly", I yelled across the hall, "come here I need to ask you something". Of course she wasn't just going to come over, she had been standing in the cafe line for almost 10 minutes waiting to buy her morning coffee, so I waited. "I think I'm finally going to ask her to the dance", I told my friend Steve, who was standing beside me to see if he had a chance with Sherly's best friend. "She better hurry up" Steve said, "I need to get to accounting". Finally it was that time, and she came out the exit door of the cafeteria. She looked so beautiful in her blue jeans and her plain white t, her simplicity is what attracted me. We make eye contact, we walk closer, and closer, and closer, "Sherly, look out!" And just like that, a fallen over "wet floor" sign caused her to fling foward as I attempted to dive and make a Hasselhoff saving situation out of it. Needless to say, we colided heads and I gave her a type 2 concussion. We never talked after that, she didn't remember who I was.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Whoa man, cool.

As I was sitting there on a chair bored out of my mind with one of my best friends, a DVD was placed into his x box 360 that forever changed my life. Donnie Darko is a story about a boy that is convinced that he's on the brink of discovering time travel, and isn't going to let anybody stand in his way for the truth. Most said it was just his schizophrenic medication but a series of coincidental events prove otherwise. Donnie reminded me a lot of myself, minus the schizophrenia, as he, like I, obtains such motivation towards a very mysterious topic and goes through with finding an answer not knowing what the outcome will even be remotely close to.

It was the eve of my book needing to be read for my grade 11 ENG 3U (English) course and I was loving every second of it. It actually got to the point where I finished reading the last page and I wanted to go back and read the entire thing over before the morning’s sunrise. The Crimson Legion starts with Rikus and the battle to save Tyr against the armies of Urik. The end of the novel concludes with Rikus completing his task, yeah I know, coinkidink, but definitely a good read.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is actually the first novel I ever read as well as the quickest. Being a child, wizardry is a respected entity, mainly thanks to Dragon Ball Z but that’s beside the point. Harry is first introduced to the past he never knew and the conflict that he is handed almost instantaneously which carries on to the very end of the novel. A gap was filled in my heart after I read that book. I followed with books two and three but failed four to seven due to their enormous size.

White Chapel Gods was one of the many spontaneous buys of mine. I wasn't expecting much but I needed a new book so. I surprisingly fell in love with this book as it took me back to a fictional early 18th century run down England where machines maintained most of the authority, which I found to be quite interesting.

There was a book that all the ladies were talking about. This book acted as a brain washing catastrophic wake up call that books can actually be compared to crack. I picked up Twilight and literally could not put it down. Was it glued you ask? No. Was it like taped or something? Yeah, no sorry. I could not take my eyes off these pages as Stephanie Meyer mesmerized me with the vampire aspect which had me at first bite many years ago with Broker's "Dracula". The movie was poop but the book was opposite...?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wow, really?

You would never have guessed this happened but...

I am a dragon, and an old one at that. For over five hundred centuries I have been watching over the golden pair of shoes that keep the earth running in it's constant rotation. I am a friendly dragon, though most who have seen me have still tried to hunt me for being "too dangerous", but those people aren't around anymore so, whatever. I am not the kind of dragon that is stereotypically big and fire breathing, but rather I am bigger and wind breathing so when the shoes get too tired, I can take over for a while. My shout is fierce but can only be heard if you believe that I exist. My eye sight has dimmed over the past few millenniums, in which time I have been able to create my own glasses, which have a yellow rim and light purple frames, but don't worry, I still look intimidating. There were more of my kind but all others perished due to them not having their umbrellas during the heavy ocean waves. Rather unfortunate really. You're probably wondering how I, a dragon can be writing this right now between the blue lines of this paper with my giant hands. Well, it's because my left hand is actually that of a human's, which allows me to participate in sports such as football or tennis, or to eat a double cheese burger from my favorite restaurant McDonald's. Yup, eating those things really puts me on the edge. So, that's me, and I swear to you, that is exactly how it all went down.

Thursday, February 12, 2009